I am a PhD researcher at Goldsmiths University in Visual Cultures and Art & Politics.

My writing and research focus on art and censorship, political protest art, institution and government critique, art and political extremism, contemporary Cuban art, and anything underground, street, silenced and sidelined that probes the status-quo. Ambiguities, contradictions, discomfort, disobedience.

Here, you’ll find some published articles. You’ll also find some sporadic blog posts about artists, their works, and the strange things that are happening in the contemporary art world.

PhD candidate in Visual Cultures and Art & Politics at Goldsmiths University, London

Art and Business Degree from Sotheby’s Institute of Art, London

MA from OCAD University in Contemporary Art History, Toronto

BA from the University of Toronto in Visual Studies (studio art - painting) and Art History (modern and contemporary), Toronto
